Most of us regularly use bathroom sponges, loafers, and flannels when showering or bathing. But, not many of us are particularly interested when it comes to cleaning such items! Yet, used regularly and often left out in the bathroom after use, these items can become breeding grounds for germs.
In a time where more of us are conscious of buying less and making the most of what we have, you can continue to get the best from your sponges without having to keep buying them new. Here, The Bathroom Showroom shows you how to clean and care for all your bathroom sponges, thus prolonging their use.

How to Clean Bathroom Sponges
Perhaps one of the most commonly used items for bathing and showering, not many of us give much thought to our bathroom sponges once we’ve used them. Unfortunately, this often means they get put to one side still full of water and are left there until we come to use them again. This is extremely problematic in that not only does it create a breeding ground for bacteria but the sponge also starts to smell.
The best practice for caring for a bathroom sponge is to wring it out and allow it to dry out completely every time you've finished using it. Make sure to keep your sponge in a dry place, such as that of your bathroom cabinet or cupboard. This way when you go to use it, it’s completely dry and therefore healthier to use.
When cleaning bathroom sponges, sprinkle a little baking soda over them and allow this to soak in for a few minutes. Then add some warm water, gently massage the sponge with your hands and allow the baking soda to clean through. Then rinse it out thoroughly and dry the sponge before placing it back in a dry place to rest.
The properties of baking soda will revitalize your sponges, thus giving them a new lease of life while making them fresher and cleaner to use again.

How To Clean Bathroom Loofers
Though loofers, or poufs as they’re also referred to, don't tend to hold water like sponges and flannels, when left hung up in the shower area they will collect steam and therefore retain moisture. This can lead to slight bacteria present on the loofer. Yet these are the easiest bathroom items to keep clean.
Firstly, rethink where you place your loofah when you’ve finished with it. Instead of hanging it up in the shower, remove it from the area and dry it gently with a towel. Then place it somewhere other than your bathroom to dry out fully. This will ensure that it does not retain any moisture from this room and has a chance to dry completely before you use it again.
To clean the loofah itself, make up a natural mixture using one cup of warm water and one tablespoon of baking powder. Mix both water and powder and put the loofah into this for around 15 minutes to soak.
Remove the loofah, dry it with a towel and once again remove it from the bathroom and let it air.
Bathroom Tip: Experts suggest replacing your bathroom sponges and loofahs every three to four weeks. But, for best practice use the baking soda cleansing solution every two weeks. Thus, you can work on prolonging the life of your sponges and loofahs while ensuring they remain at their most hygienic for every use.

How To Clean Bathroom Flannels
Finally, many of us prefer the softness of bathroom flannels when bathing or showering. One of the most popular bathroom items, yet again, these can also be the most troublesome when it comes to bacteria build-up.
As flannels are often left to languish in and around the bath and shower areas, they’re magnets for moisture build-up. Yet, this is problematic when used for cleaning, especially if you're using these flannels daily for your facial care.
Like our loafers and sponges, flannels should be wrung out after use. Yet, the number of times they’re cleaned after use is often dependent on personal preference. Experts suggest that our bathroom flannels should be thrown in the washing machine every three to four days. For this reason, it's worth having several flannels so you can continue using a fresh one each day when the rest are in the wash.
Bathroom flannels are the easiest of items to clean. You can just place them in your regular wash and clean them at 40 degrees. This is the best way to ensure they’re thoroughly cleaned and free of any germs or bacteria before using them again. Ultimately, bathroom flannels that can be machine washed will understandably last longer and offer a more environmentally friendly choice long-term.
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